NameLena May Burt 40, 1C3R, F
Birth25 Apr 1895, Bracebridge, Ontario5,35
Death16 Feb 1989, Welland, Ontario35
Birth23 Dec 1893, Hanwell, Middlesex, England
Death9 Feb 1955, Welland, Ontario, Canada
Memodied of colon cancer
Burial12 Feb 1955, Welland, Ontario, Canada
OccupationArchitectural Engineer35
Marriage8 Jul 1919, Elmvale, Ontario, Canada35
Notes for Lena May Burt
Described as “a wonderful good Christian woman, very frugal, and yet generous with her time an energy”. After her daughter Audrey died, she raised Audrey’s five children.
An excellent cook, known for her apple crisp and a cheese dish consisting of tomatos, grated cheese, flour, salt and pepper poured voer soda biscuits.
She became a genealogist and converted to the Church of Latter Day Saints six months after her son George did.
Loved cards and games with the family and roller coasters. On her last birthday she wanted to go on a roller coaster but her son Roly said he didn’t want to be responsible for her death by heart attack!
Notes for Sidney Philip & Lena May (Family)
They went on an extended honeymoon in England.