Our Genealogy - Person Sheet
Our Genealogy - Person Sheet
NameGeorge Edward Cyril Burt , GGG Grandfather, M
Birth1 Aug 1823, Montacute, Somerset, England1,9,38,90,124
Death26 Mar 1907, Ashmead Villa, Hanworth Road, Feltham, Middlesex (Greater London), England8
Christen17 Aug 1823, Church of St. Catherine, Montacute, Somerset, England90,124
MemoThere is a second birth record in the Zion Independent Church, Ilminster, Somerset where his father Edward was later a Druggist.
OccupationSurgeon, Druggist9,8
ReligionCongregationalist (Independent)9,8
FatherEdward Knyvett Burt , M (1795-1858)
MotherHarriet Burt , F (1796-1865)
1Frances Martha Barrow , GGG Grandmother, F
Birth14 May 1819, St. George’s, Stepney, Middlesex (Greater London), England1,27,90
Death20 Aug 1892, 313 High Street, Stratford, West Ham (Greater London), England40,1,8
Memodied of bronchitis and heart disease certified by Dr. Radelany and the Informant on Death Registration: Emily Seaman, 23 Warton Road, Stratford
ReligionCongregationalist on 1881 census in Canada, but originally baptized Anglican
FatherJohn Henry Barrow , M (ca1785-1849)
Marriage21 Jul 1849, Ebenezer Chapel, Ramsgate, Isle of Thanet, Kent, England40,8
ChildrenJames Henry Barrow , M (1850-1875)
 Bessie Lina Barrow , F (1852-1931)
 Annie Eliza Barrow , F (1854-1931)
 Cyril Cecil Barrow , M (1857-1932)
 Edward John Barrow , M (1859-1940)
 Auguste Frank Barrow , M (1862-1920)
Notes for George Edward Cyril Burt
Born in the village of Montacute, 4 miles west of Yeovil, 6 miles north-east of Crewkerne in Somerset County.
Year of birth posted on the FamilySearch web site was ABOUT 183340 but this is wrong as two separate censuses confirm year of birth as 1823.38,26 The birthday Aug 1 is from Frances Cecil Burt’s birthday book1 and is corroborated on the IGI.90

Although his baptism in 1823 in in the Anglican church of St. Catherine in Montacute is on record124, there is a second baptismal record (now at the Public Record Office, London) for George and his two siblings later on when he was 13 years old at the Zion (Independent) Chapel, Ilminster where the family was living. The original record reads: “183. George son of Edward Kayoch [sic] Burt and Harriet his Wife of the parish of Ilminster in the County of Somerset was born August the 1st 1823, his parents being then residents in the parish of Montacute in the same county...[then follows a similar entry for his brother and sister]...the signature of Harriet Burt, the mother of the above children, was made in my presence this 27th Day of June 1837 - [signed] Thos. Collins Hine. Nos. 175, 182, 183 185 and 187 in the foregoing an annexed register relates to children who have not been baptized in childhood - their parents being of the Baptist persuasion. [signed] T.C. Hine”19

When married in 1849 he and his wife’s address was 66 Harbour Street, Ramsgate, England, which was the address of the Castle Hotel, so it would appear they were just visitig there for the purpose of getting married.
His occupation was listed in the Marriage registration as “Surgeon”.8 Religious denomination was Independent. Later in life his occupation was “Druggist and Chemist”. This may be because of the passing of the Medical Act of 1858, unifying medical education and the degrees awarded and establishing a Register of medical practitioners. This increasingly meant that no-one could practise medicine without accredited licences and that such licences were granted only to those with the approved qualifications.
Later, according to daughter Bessie Lina Burt: “He was trained as a doctor by apprenticeship but had no money to qualify though an exceedingly able and original man.”35

He ran a chemist shop in Westminster where the last three kids were born and the family lived at 76 York St.

Apparently he and his wife and children except for Cyril and Auguste Frank emigrated to Ontario, Canada in 1877. The 1881 Canada census lists him and wife Frances both as age 58 living in Howard township, Bothwell District (now in the county of Kent), Ontario where his occupation was “Druggist and Chemist”. Living with them at that time was son Edward and daughter Bessie.9 His religion is listed as Congregationalist.

Oxford Paperback Encyclopedia definition of a Congregationalist:
“A supporter of a form of church organization in which each local church is independent. The system derives from the belief that Jesus Christ is the sole head of his church, and it is held to represent the original form of the church's organization. Known at different times in England as Separatists or Independents, they can be traced back to the 16th century followers of Robert Browne, who broke with the Anglican Church. Driven underground by persecution, they resurfaced in 17th century Holland and America. They were among the Pilgrim Fathers who sailed to the New World in 1620. Meanwhile in England, after figuring prominently in the New Model Army, they enjoyed freedom of worship under Oliver Cromwell. This was abolished by the 1662 Act of Uniformity, then restored by the 1689 Toleration Act. In America they were allowed freedom of worship. Keen educationists, they played a major part in founding the universities of Harvard (1636) and Yale (1701).”
(Interesting that his son, Auguste Frank, would become an Anglican minister.)

Upon his return to England he ran a Chemist’s shop in Dulwich.
Listed as a widower in the 1901 census in Dulwich, London at 122 Lordship Lane, occupation Chemist & Druggist, age 77, living with his unmarried daughter Bessie L. Burt. 38 She was also the informant on his death certificate in 1907. He was living in Feltham and died of “cerebral haemorrhage, hypostasis of lungs” at home with his daughter in attendance.8 The Index of Wills and Administrations lists “Burt, George Edward of “Ashmead” Hanworth-road Feltham Middlesex died 26 March 1907 Administration London 15 June to Cyril Cecil Barrow Burt surgeon Effects £285 19s. 7d.”

from his grandson Cyril Lodowic Burt’s account:39
“Of my grandfather’s six children, all except my father emigrated to the United States, Australia, or Canada; and as a result, I have one first cousin who was until recently Professor of Chemistry in Toronto [James Tresawna Burt-Gerrans]...my grandfather, who was a great admirer of German science and philosophy, made me learn the German declensions, and recite the song from Wilhelm Tell. I constructed a toy theater in which Schiller’s play was performed with cardboard figures and lycopodium lightning. Painting toy scenery became a great hobby, in which my father, grandfather, and my disreputable uncle [on mother’s side] all helped on various occasions...From my grandfather, who was far more talkative than my father, I also picked up all sorts of out-of-the-way scientific information which he, I think, gleaned mainly from his weekly copy of Nature or from the queer German publications that he picked up for a few coppers at the open-air book stalls in Farringdon Market.” Cyril also notes: “My mother...used to give informal help at the “ragged school,” with which my grandfather was connected.” suggesting that George Edward must have provided some assistance to a free school for the poor.
Notes for George Edward Cyril & Frances Martha (Family)
“Married in the Independent Chapel according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Independent Denomination” Witnesses: Mary Warden, Mary Emily Sadler; Minister: Henry Joseph Bevis; Registrar: Thomas Timothy Sadler8

from PIGOTS Directory 1840 KENT (9 years before George and Frances were married there):
RAMSGATE is a sea-port, market town and parish, in the cinque port liberty of Sandwich, of  which it is a member and in the hundred of Ringslow and lathe of St. Augustine 73 miles E. from London, 17 E.N.E. from Canterbury and 4 S. from Margate; beautifully situated on the declivity of a hill, opening southward to the sea, and commanding, at different positions, very delightful landscapes and extensive marine views – the latter, in favourably weather, embracing a portion of the coast between Calais and Boulogne. Until the year 1688 this now fashionable watering place was recognised merely as a maritime village; but thenceforward receiving an impulse from a successful trade with Russia, its limited boundaries were extended, and its general appearance improved: it is within the last forty years, however, that is has become distinguished as a bathing station, and received numerous and judicious improvements which justly entitle it to the rank it has attained, not only as a salubrious summer resort, but as a port of some commercial consequence. The rides and walks in the vicinity are highly agreeable and diversified, and its pier, the most attractive promenade, is not excelled by any similar work on the coast; it was commenced in 1750, is constructed chiefly of Portland and Purbeck stone, and project 800 feet into the ocean before it forms an angle; its breadth is twenty six feet; the depth of water increasing to twenty one feet; the entrance to the harbour is two hundred feet in width; and can receive vessels of upwards of six hundred tons burden; the harbour contains an area of forty six acres, including the back water, and certainly is one of the best on the south eastern shore. Within the port contiguous to the promenade, is a handsome obelisk raised a few years since bearing the following inscription – “To George the Fourth, King of Great Britain and Ireland, the Inhabitants and Visiters of Ramsgate and the Directors and Trustees of this Harbour, erected this obelisk as a grateful record of His Majesty’s Condescension in selecting this port for his embarkation on the 25th of September, in progress to his Kingdom of Hanover, and his happy return 8th November 1821” Since the completion of the harbour the commerce of Ramsgate has greatly increased and consists of an extensive coasting trade, particularly in coal, a profitable fishery is pursued off this coast by large vessels from the westward and many small vessels belonging to the port are similarly employed – the choice of fish are selected principally for the London market. There are yards for ship building, rope walks and stores appropriate to the casual demands of merchantmen. Various establishments for the accommodation and amusements of visiters, commensurate with the gradual increase of the latter, have been successively formed. The baths are upon the most approved principles and the internal arrangements, with reference to both convenience and elegance cannot be surpassed; those superintended by Messrs BARLING, FOAT and WELLS, opposite the pier gates and the Royal Clarence Baths, in Bath Place have long borne the stamp of public estimation. Peculiar attractions are attached to the different reading rooms, repositories and assembly rooms; and the hotels and inns are conducted in a manner that must please the most fastidious – suitable to the most dignified ranks of society and equally so to the man of business; superb assembly rooms are attached to the Albion Hotel.
Ramsgate being a member of the Port of Sandwich, the mayor of that place appoints his deputy, who acts here as constable; but the government of the town is in fact under the jurisdiction of the magistrates appointed to superintend the liberties of the cinque ports, two of whom are resident. A Court of Requests is held for the recovery of debts not exceeding £5. The town is one of the polling stations at the election of representatives for the Eastern Division of Kent.
 The parish church dedicated to St George is an elegant modern structure, the expense of its erection was £27,000 of which sum the Church Commissioners supplied £9,000; there is likewise a chapel of ease to the mother church of St Lawrence. Baptists, Independents and Wesleyan Methodists have chapels; and a neat Jews synagogue was erected in 1833 by Sir Moses Montefiore. An Act of Parliament constituted Ramsgate a distinct parish some years since, previous to which it was included in the parish of St Lawrence; the living is a vicarage, in the gift of the see of Canterbury.
 The markets, held on Wednesday and Saturday, frequently present a number of attendants from the French coast, with supplies of eggs, fruit and other commodities.
 In 1831 Ramsgate contained 7985 residents – being an increase within the preceding thirty years of 4875.”
Last Modified 21 May 2015Created 18 Feb 2019 using Reunion for Macintosh