NameAbner Jones
, GGG Grandfather, M
Birth28 Feb 1812, Brown’s Landing?, probably Salisbury parish, New Brunswick18
Death18 Nov 1886, Lewisville, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada18,3,43,79
BurialElmwood Cemetery, Moncton, New Brunswick
Occupationfarmer; hotel owner/manager; lumberer; merchant; shipbuilder
Birth11 Oct 1815, probably Middle Coverdale, New Brunswick18
BurialElmwood Cemetery, Moncton, New Brunswick
Marriage19 Mar 1882, Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada51
Notes for Abner Jones
from Greta Grant’s memoirs:
“...Abner Jones..was granted 400 acres of land...In addition to the 400 acres Jones was granted the privilege of opening lumber camps from Moncton to Shediac Cape, a stretch of about 17 miles, the lumber was for the Intercolonial Railway tracks from Halifax to Montreal then under construction.”
60Moncton Cemetery records list his age of death as 73y 8m but the Jones family bible has his birthdate and states 74y 9m. The latter is confirmed by his death announcements in the newspapers.
He’s listed in the 1881 census in Moncton as age 68.
9His family is listed in the 1851 Census in Moncton Parish:
Surname Given Names Sex Relation to Head Age Ancestry Occupation In NB sinceJones Abner Male Head 39 Dutch Farmer Birth
Jones Delia Female Wife 37 Dutch Birth
Jones Eliza Female Dau 15 Dutch Birth
Jones Charles Male Son 13 Dutch Birth
Jones William Male Son 11 Dutch Birth
Jones Henry Male Son 9 Dutch Birth
Jones Humphrey Male Son 7 Dutch Birth
Jones Abner Male Son 4 Dutch Birth
Mickle William Male Lodger 48 Scotch Ship Carpenter June 1851
Fraser James Male Lodger 45 Scotch Ship Carpenter June 1851
McDonald John Male Lodger 50 Scotch Ship Carpenter June 1851
Livinsgston Duncan Male Lodger 25 Scotch Ship Carpenter June 1851
Field William Male Lodger 25 Scotch Ship Carpenter June 1851
Mickleman James Male Lodger 19 Scotch Ship Carpenter June 1851
The above census information reveals interesting facts: It documents the Jones’ German origins (twisted to “Dutch”). Even Abner’s wife [A]Delia is listed as “Dutch” even though her father was English and her mother, half-English and half-German. Included are 6 Lodgers who are shipbuilders, no doubt working for Abner in his shipbuilding ventures with his cousin, Oliver Jones, at the time.
From Resurgo: The History of Moncton vol. 1, by Alexander Pincombe and Edward Larracey:
“Abner Jones was a shipbuilder; carried on a lumber manufactory and operated a hotel...built the 590 ton barque Hurricane, launched 1863.” (This ship was built in Moncton by Abner, owned by Oliver Jones and sold to owners in Liverpool, England in 1864.)
Abner owned (and presumably built) the 168 ton, 2 masted brigantine Linwood in 1858 in Moncton.
44The 1862 map of Moncton shows Abner Jones home on the north side of Main St. between the “European and North American Railway” tracks to the west and his son William’s house to the east.
81The New Brunswick Directory of 1865-66 lists “Abner Jones Shipbuilder, Lewistown” (Lewisville?) as well as Abner Jones on Main Street, as a general merchant. It’s likely he had more than one establishment.
79He had moved to Lewisville by the time of his daughter Anna’s marriage in 1875, as evidenced by the newspaper announcement.
Apparently married a 3rd time to a Mrs. E. Miles (no children)
21From “The History of Moncton”:
“After having been burned out in the Y.M.C.A. fire, the Bank of Montreal directors began looking for a site upon which to build their own building. The site chosen was at the corner of Main and Botsford Streets, which the bank still occupies. The property acquired by the bank had long been known as the Abner Jones property and its late owner had been a prominent Monctonian, descended from the original Jones who came to The Bend in 1766. Abner had been a prominent Monctonian who had experienced a varied career which included shipbuilding, land speculation and the hotel business.”
His monument in Elmwood Cemetery reads: “Because I live, Ye shall live also”
Obituaries notes for Abner Jones
from Moncton Times, Nov. 19, 1886:
“DEATH OF ABNER JONES ESQ. - The announcement of the death of Abner Jones Esq. of Lewisville, Moncton, will be heard with deep regret though it will not occasion much surprise, as it has been evident for a long time that he could not recover from the tedious and protracted illness from which he suffered. Mr. Jones was exceptionally active and energetic and at different times carried on extensive business as a shipbuilder, manufacturer of lumber and merchant. He was an influential member of the Baptist church and in all relations of life was very greatly esteemed. For three score years Mr. Jones was intimately connected with the history of Moncton, always filling an important place, and we hope hereafter to be able to supply some interesting facts in this connection. Meantime we join with all who knew the deceased in tendering sincere sympathy to the afflicted family and friends.”
from Moncton Times, Monday November 22, 1886:
“THE FUNERAL of the late Abner Jones esq. yesterday afternoon, was attended by a very large number of persons, including, we judge, all or nearly all of the older residents of Moncton, Lewisville and vicinity. The carriages in procession extended from the late residence of the deceased to the cemetery road and the universal feeling was that of sorrow for the loss of one who for many long years had been among the first of energetic, useful and honoured citizens. The pall bearers, selected by the deceased a few days before his death, were Messrs. Oliver Jones, J.L. Harris, John MacKenzie, A.E. Killam MPP, J.A. Humphrey MPP and Lovell Lewis. The services at the home and grave were conducted by the Rev. Mr. Hinson [Baptist Minister of 1st Baptist Church], who though only partially recovered from a severe illness, addressed the mourners and friends at some length, making touching and eloquent allusion to the high christian character and many good qualities of the deceased. Not often will Monctonians follow to the grave a friend who more worthily filled a worthy place than the late Abner Jones.”
from The Chignecto Post, Sackville, Nov. 25, 1886:
“d. Moncton (West. Co.) 18th inst. Abner Jones, Esq. 75th year”
from The Saint John Globe, Nov 20, 1886:
“d. Moncton (West Co.) 18th, Abner Jones, Esq. age 75”
Land Deeds notes for Abner Jones
transcribed from the handwritten original in the Westmorland County Land Records located in Moncton, New Brunswick:
“10,214 Abner Jones to Alexr Duncan & Wm Duncan, Registered July 21st, 1841, A. Weldon, Co. Register
Know all Men by these Presents that I, Abner Jones of Salisbury in the County of Westmorland and Province of New Brunswick and Adila [sic] my Wife for and in consideration of the Sum of fifty pounds lawful money of said Province received to my full satisfaction of Alexander Duncan and William Duncan of Salisbury aforesaid Yeoman the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have granted bargained and sold and by these presents do grant bargain and sell unto the said Alexander Duncan and William Duncan their Heirs and Assigns all that tract of Land Situate laying and being at the North River so called in Salisbury aforesaid and butted and bounded as follows. Beginning at the South Eastern Corner of Lot Number four granted to William Townsbury, thence North Sixty four degrees East thirty three chains and Seventy five links, thence South one degree West Seventeen Chains, thence South Sixty four degrees, West thirty three Chains and Seventy five links, thence North one degree East Seventeen Chains to the place of beginning, which said discribed [sic] Lot of Land was Granted to John W. Townsbury Containing in the whole Fifty Acres and premises above mentioned with the appurtenances unto the said Alexander Duncan and William Duncan their Heirs and Assigns forever, to their own proper use and behoof and I the said Abner Jones for my self my Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns do covenant with the said Alexander Duncan and William their Heirs and Assigns that I am well Seized of the above bargained and granted premises and have good right to bargain and sell the same in manner and form as above written And that I will warrant and forever defend the same to them the Alexander Duncan And William Duncan their Heirs and Assigns against the lawful Claim or demand of any person or persons whomsoever, In Witness whereof we hereunto set our hands and seals this 8th day of June 1839
R. Scott Abner Jones L.S.
William I. Mcfee Dilily [sic] Jones L.S.
Be it remembered that on the 8th day of June 1839 personally appeared before me Robert Scott Esquire one of Her Majesty’s Justices of the Peace for said County Abner Jones who acknowledges that he signed sealed and delivered the within Deed for the purposes therein mentioned, And also Adilia [sic] his Wife who being examined separate and apart from her said Husband did acknowledge that she signed and sealed the within Deed of her own free will and accord without any fear threat or compulsion from her said Husband
R. Scott, J. Peace”
[note the three different spellings of Adelia’s name]
The very next handwritten entry in the Land Records book records a transaction in which Abner’s parents Charles and Deborah “of the Parish of Salisbury...Yeoman” sold a nearby 300 acres formerly owned by William Townsbury to the the same Alexander and William Duncan. One could speculate that the piece sold by Abner and Adelia was considered an “advance inheritance” which would explain why Abner is not mentioned in his father’s will. One could also speculate from this that perhaps Abner and Adelia’s first two children were born in Salisbury Parish before the family sold their Salisbury land and moved to Moncton.
There are numerous land transactions involving Abner in Moncton and also some in Shediac Cape.
Notes for Abner & Delilah (Adelia) (Family)
Marriage Certificate reads:
“New Brunswick
Abner Jones of the Parish of Salisbury and Delilah Colpitts of the Parish of Coverdale, County of Westmorland were Married by Banns with consent of Parties on the eleventh day of March in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty five By Me
W. Chapman J. Peace
This Marriage was solemnized between us In Presence of [signatures] Abner Jones, Delilah Colpitts, John A. Tesick (sp?), Christian Colpitts”
Notes for Abner & Anna (Annie) Maria (Family)
Abner Jones’ second marriage
Notes for Abner & I. E. (Family)
Date : May 4, 1882
County : Westmorland
Place : Sackville
Newspaper : Chignecto Post
“m. Truro, N.S., 19th March, by Rev. J.A. Kaulbach, Abner JONES, Esq., Moncton / Mrs. I.E. MILES, Truro.”